Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Siddhartha vs. Ghandi
Siddhartha vs. Ghandi

The first of these similarities is that both Ghandi and Siddhartha were searching for their own source of enlightenment. Secondly, both of these men found enlightenment in their own original way. Ghandi for instance was a huge person behind civil rights in India, Siddhartha, however, was more of a nomad going around to different places and trying different lifestyles.
Both Siddhartha and Ghandi found their own form of enlightenment. For example, Siddhartha found enlightenment talking to the river as a ferryman. He would spend his days on the river thinking about where it was going and where it had been. This made Siddhartha happy inside. Ghandi found enlightenment through leading peace and hunger strikes in India. Even though they found enlightenment in different ways. The reason Ghandi was so persistent in leading these strikes against the government was because he grew up in poverty and experienced the lack of civil rights first hand.
Lastly, they also both influenced the people around them. Ghandi had huge groups of followers who would participate in hunger strikes for India’s civil rights. Siddhartha only had Govinda, his childhood friend. Govinda treated Siddhartha as if he were the chosen one himself. Govinda looked up to Siddhartha so much because Siddhartha was always a good role model for him. Siddhartha was what Govinda wanted to be.
One of the main differences is that these two men lived in different time periods. Siddhartha took place in about 700 a.d. and Ghandi lived in the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s. The issues they had to deal with were much different because of the time period. The time periods were different because of the technology, Ghandi was so well known because there were newspapers and radio stations that talked about him.
Another difference was that Ghandi was more of a national figure. Siddhartha, however, wasn’t because he is merely a character in a book and no more than a figment of the imagination. Between these two men, Ghandi was one of the most influential men of our world in the past one hundred years. His extensive list of achievements include Time Magazines man of the year in 1930 and he was the runner up in person of the century, in first place was Albert Einstein. Ghandi has inspired many political figures such as Martin Luther King, Al Gore, and Barack Obama.
Siddhartha was more of a character based upon hand me down stories from generations past. Even though Siddhartha was a fictional character his experiences are purely hypothetical but motivational nonetheless.
The final difference is that a Hindu extremist assassinated Ghandi. Siddhartha was not assassinated at all. As you can see there is a major difference between assassination and death because of natural causes. The reason why Ghandi was assassinated was because the Hindu extremists did not like what he was doing. He was slowly but surely getting India’s rights back. I think Ghandi was one man who captivated the world’s attention with what he did.
Siddhartha started as a Brahmin’s son and decided that the Brahmin lifestyle was not for him because it was too dull. He then became a Samana, which was a nomad. He and his friend Govinda stayed with the Samanas until Siddhartha grew bored of the Samanan life. He then went to a woman and she showed him earthly pleasures. When Siddhartha found earthly pleasures did not make him happy, he became a ferryman.
As a ferryman, Siddhartha finally found eternal happiness, also known as enlightenment. Siddhartha found enlightenment through the stones on the riverbed because those stones calmed him down and acted as a relaxant for Siddhartha. He and his childhood friend Govinda would spend the rest of their days talking to the river and the stones in the river.
I enjoyed the book Siddhartha and would recommend the book to anyone who is looking for a short read packed with a lot of meaning. I do think, however, that the author could have included Govinda’s opinion and point of view more often in the book.
As far as the last word on Ghandi...the boy is slim!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Did You Know? #1
Friday, March 27, 2009
Black Like Me
I won't tell you about the rest of the book because I don't want to give it away. My point of view is that there is racism amongst both blacks and whites. However back in the 60's whites were so judgmental it was ridiculous. They decided to hate people based on the color of their skin. Some of the issues they discussed in the book are still around today. Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to discover more about those issues and that time period.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Powder Flu
The roads were clear up until the last mile or so before the lodge. It was surprisingly busy for a Thursday morning. We got our boards and got in line to buy a lift ticket. Finally the time had come for the first run of the day.
We strapped our front binding and got on the lift. It was beautiful out as we got higher in the air I felt a slight breeze on my face. This was perfect weather for snowboarding. When we got to the top I was ready to do the bunny hill, but I was sorely mistaken. Instead we took a run down to chair 8 and went up even higher. Yikes!!! It turned out to be all right since all the snow was powder. It didn’t even hurt to crash. It was like gliding on a cloud.
Then the time came and we did the natural half pipe, which was cool because it was like a chute down the side of the mountain with jumps on it. Even though it was bumpier than the man made half pipe it was a lot more fun.
We headed back to the car for lunch. Mmmm, peanut butter and jelly. After lunch we decided to split up. My uncle went to chair 8 and I went to chair 7. I did five runs on chair 7 and on the fifth run when I was dropping into the pipe my heel side of the board caught on a rut and I flew down into the pipe and landed hard on my tailbone. I could barely make it down the rest of the way. I knew after I took that shot my day was over. So my uncle and I met up and headed home, after a great day of snowboarding.