Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Top 10 Acquire the Fire!

10 Hours on a cramped bus..
  9 Stairs that I fell down
  8 Mountain Dew's consumed
  7 My chair number
  6 Bands played
  5 dollars spent at Taco Bell
  4 The number of Volkswagon Bugs we saw
  3 The number of times we ran around the arena.
  2 Hours of sleep over the course of the weekend
  1 Unforgettable experience!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Forever Strong Review

I recently watched the movie Forever Strong. It is about two rival rugby teams, one lets their players do whatever they want, whether it is drinking or partying. While the Highland rugby team on the other hand dedicates themselves to honor and respect. Highland's rival team's star player ends up going to juvenile detention for crashing a car while drunk. While in jail, he sees a counselor who refers him to the Highland rugby team. While playing for Highland he learns respect, honor, and friendship amongst the other players. I would definitely recommend this movie to all of my friends and family.