Thursday, September 25, 2008


On Wednesday the 24th we had the privilege to go to the Burlington public library to hear Jennifer Bradbury talk about the process of writing her new book, Shift. Shift is about two high school graduates, Win and Chris decide to go on a cross country bike trip. But when Win disappears in Montana and Chris returns home alone. The FBI comes knocking on Chris's door wanting to know what happened to Win. At the seminar she discussed how long it took her to write this book. She said she had to do three drafts of the whole book which contains about fifty eight thousand words. She also said that this book is based on her and her husbands expierences with bike riding. She concluded the session by reccommending books that she enjoys such as, A Northern Light, Airborn, The Book Thief, and Speak. I really enjoyed myself and plan on going to other sessions at the library.