Hello, I am Timothy Ray Dills and this is my memoir. I was born on December 9, 1993. At the time I lived in Burlington on Orange Avenue. We lived by a pea processing plant. We had a basketball hoop in our back yard.
I remember one time it snowed at our house. We built a big snowman. I was determined that I was going to sleep outside. Yeah, never happened. I also remember when I was a baby my mom would put me in a stroller and we would take walks. We walked past the cow pastures. We walked past the day care. We would walk everyday.
There was this wierd guy who lived across the street. He had a bunch of guns in a safe in his kitchen. He was also missing a big toe on one foot. He also made honey. I remember watching the sonics games on T.V., back when they were good. We would eat bean dip while we watched them play the Bulls. I loved our old house.
When I was four years old I went to Disney Land. While we were there I got to play on all the rides. The ones I really
remember were the E.T. ride and the Peter Pan ride. Those were the only ones I went on because I was too scared to go on any of the other rides. I had a great time.
We also went to Tube Time a lot. Tube Time was fun because they had a big purple slide. I loved hanging on the monkey bars. My grandma, Nene and I would go to Thousand Trails a lot. When we went we would get ice cream. Then we would go swimming in the pool. I loved hanging out with my cousins. We would play fun games like cops and robbers. We would also go down to the creek and build forts.
When I was six years old I slipped and cut my head open on a heater and I had to go get stitches. It was really scary going into the emergency room. They had big scicssors and needles in all the draweres. I remember going on a lot of hikes with my family. One time me and my mom went to Mount Baker in our old Ford truck with bald tires. We got stuck in the snow, which my mom thought she could drive through, right! We were stuck and only had enough time to say a quick prayer when all of a sudden these four guys walked right out of the woods and helped us push our truck out. We turned around and they were gone just like that. It was weird.
When I was nine years old I started playing baseball. Baseball was so fun. I remember I had been in coach pitch that year and I loved playing. One of my favorite birthday parties ever was when I turned ten because I was finally double digits. When I was ten I had started playing football and one day at practice I fractured my wrist, it really hurt. Once again I had to go to the emergency room and get my wrist x-rayed.
Every New Year's Day we would go to Big Papas. We would talk with everybody and eat Sauerkraut. That was really fun because all my cousins were there and we would play outside. Now I am almost 14 years old and I am homeschooling for my 8th grade year. That is why I am writing this memoir. So far I've had a great life and I hope it continues.